Week #7

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Taking Steps Toward Forgiveness

Good Morning to all my Hidden Joy sisters and to each woman God draws to my blog today. Before I wrote this morning, I prayed for every woman God would bring. If you stopped by, God has a Word to speak to you about forgiveness…maybe forgiving a hurt done to you, a wrong committed against you, an unforgivable act forced upon you, or maybe something you have done in your past. Please know Your Heavenly Father desires to free you from living in bondage to unforgivess.

However, we must learn forgiveness. It does not come naturally to God’s children. But it is God’s command. He gives us guidance and direction in His Word.

Colossians 3:13 says:

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

When Peter approaches Jesus and asks Him how many times a person must forgive his brother and suggesting seven, Jesus replies,

I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

Jesus did not intend His answer to mean literally 490 times. Rather, He was telling Peter to forgive as many times as it takes. He then told a parable, the one found in Matthew 18:23-35.

We find more truths about forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer, Ephesians 4:32, and Ephesians 4:2.

Below is a forgiveness prayer. Please invite the Lord to tender your heart as you pray this prayer. It is filled with His Word. And His promise to us is that when we pray His Word, it is powerful and effective. His Word will not return void but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it. The purpose here is forgiveness.


Heavenly Father, we stop first to recognize You, and You alone…our Creator, our Redeemer, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. You alone are Almighty God, the King of kings and Lord of lords .

Today, we bow humbly before You, acknowledging that without You forgiveness and the healing and wholeness it brings are not possible. In You, and You alone, we live and move and have our being. You alone are Truth. You alone are Healer. You alone are Hope and the Way to freedom, peace, joy, and a full life.

We gather because You ordained it. You drew each and every one of us from across the globe, each in our own way. We thank You for every heart represented here. You created each and every one of us…gave us breath and life.

Oh, Father, so many who gather here are held captive by unforgiveness. They have lived for months, years, even decades shrouded in darkness, imprisoned by the walls of unforgiveness. They have given up on themselves and even on You. But, Father, You know every heart…every thought…every doubt…every hurt. Your Word says that NOTHING is hidden from Your eye.

Today we come before You in power…together… as one body…one sisterhood in Christ. We boldly come before Your throne of grace with the stronghold of unforgiveness that holds us captive and surrender it to You today. We know Satan desires to keep us captive in this place of unforgiveness. We know that he wants us to believe that hope, joy, peace, healing, and wholeness will never be ours. But You teach us in Your Word that Satan is a “liar and the father of lies.” So today stand on the Truth in Your Word that we have the mind of Christ. We claim that mind and ask that You help us to take every thought that hold us down in our place of unforgiveness…every lie, every fear, every memory, every nightmare, every deception of the evil one… captive to the obedience of Christ.

Lord, wash Truth over each one of us. As we read from Your living and active Word, soak it through and allow it to penetrate to the marrow of our bones. Speak Truth and Life over every woman. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, shed the shining Light of Christ’s Love and Forgiveness into each heart. Give wisdom and discernment beyond our years to understand that which we believe we cannot understand and to do that which we believe is impossible.

Father, Your Word says we are…

Created in Your Image

Loved Unconditionally


Set Apart

Made with a Purpose

The Temple of Your Holy Spirit

And most of all Lord,


So many of us do not “feel” this way, Lord. Our eyes may read the words, our minds may have even learned the words, but because of what has happened or is happening in our lives, we just can’t BELIEVE the words. Help us with our unbelief. Father, teach us these Truths as if for the first time. Show us in very real, powerful, and personal ways that these are TRUTHS from Your Word, and they will never change no matter our circumstance.

We beg of You, Father, through this study, empower us through Your Holy Spirit to forgive those who have hurt us. Father, you bought us with a price….the shed blood of Your Son, Jesus. We are Your own…sealed for eternity. Father, enable us to stand in that shed blood and walk confidently forward by forgiving every hurt done to us…every footstep leaving a red stain to remind us we are not alone, and we are walking in obedience to You.

As each woman takes a step towards forgiveness, place Your Hand of protection over her…over her heart, her mind, her home, her workplace, and her relationships. Satan does not want forgiveness. He wants her to stay bound up in bitterness.. So we speak God’s Word: “SATAN, FLEE in the NAME OF JESUS!” Your Word says that he must flee. You are our Rock and our Deliverer. You are our Strong Tower. To You we run, and You will protect and defend us just as Your Word says. You, Father, are Faithful and True.

Abba, Father, Your Word tells us that You have a plan and a purpose for our lives…a plan to prosper us and not to harm us…a plan to give us hope and a future. Many of us cannot see that plan right now. A future seems impossible.

But, Lord, Your Word says “What is impossible with man is possible with [You].” As we journey through each chapter and what we read seems possible for others but not for us, make it so that we will believe this TRUTH and never forget it…”What is impossible with man is possible with You, and Lord we can do ALL things through You who strengthens us!”

Give us eyes to see and ears to hear all You want to speak to us. Direct our every step. Shine Your Light down the path and make it clear. We surrender all to You today!

In the name of Jesus Christ we ask these things, believing wholeheartedly You will be faithful to bring them to pass. We do it all for the glory of Your Name. AMEN. 

If this post has brought an event or a name to mind, remember you did not stop by here on accident. The Lord drew you here for a purpose. He wants to free you from living in the bondage and captivity of unforgiveness. He wants to replace your anger, unforgiveness, and bitterness with His Joy, Peace, and Love!! Will you yield your heart to Him today? Will you trust God and take a baby step toward forgiveness? He will bless and honor you when you do!!

Thank you for stopping by and your comments ♥